Treat with dignity, a noble life
Mother Teresa went to be there for people dying on the streets of Calcutta. She picked them up and took them to her home with other nuns so they could die with dignity.
We can do that in our own special way. Let us visit together, you and I, and learn how we can comfort in these last days and hours of life. To comfort when there is hopelessness and isolation.
A cab driver in NYC asked what I did for a living and when I told him I teach others how to come to the bedside and care that life wind down with dignity and value. He was amazed that should be needed.
But in our countries, many of us have not seen death. Even the critically ill are not usually in our homes. So we do not know what to do or say to comfort through this process.
The cab driver went on to say, "In my country when people are ill of anything we stay with them until they are well, and if they are dying we do the same thing, we would never leave anyone who is ill or dying. And if they die we stay with the body until it is buried."
He was from a country in Africa. I was told similar things from people of Mexico. What are your thoughts?